Board & Management

Board & Management

  • Dr David Carland
    Dr David Carland
    Non-Executive Chairman
    PhD (Econometrics); MEc; BEc (Hons), MAICD

    Over 40 years of investment banking and commercial experience in both the private and government sector holding senior positions at UBS, Bankers Trust and CRA (now Rio Tinto).

    Has a track record of success in the mining space with current and past board positions for listed juniors including Rex Minerals.
    • Christopher Byrne
      Christopher Byrne
      Managing Director
      BsC, BEngs (Hons), M.PM, MAusIMM, MAICD

      Mr. Byrne holds a Master of Project Management, a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), and a Bachelor of Science (Environmental).

      His past roles in the mining sector with Anglo American focused on large scale project delivery, project management, maintenance, operations, and technical service and support in open cut and underground colliery operations.

      He is a member of AusIMM and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
      • Thomas Wall
        Thomas Wall
        Technical Director
        BsC (Hons), MAusIMM

        Thomas is a geologist with over 10 years of wide-ranging experience within the resource sector in NSW and WA having previously held senior roles at Peak Gold Mines, New South Resources and Omya Australia.

        He has demonstrated mining and exploration proficiency and success across a variety of commodities and deposit styles with particular focus within the Lachlan Fold Belt of NSW.
        • Doug Menzies
          Doug Menzies
          Non-Executive Director
          BsC (Hons), RPGo (MAIG, MAAG)

          Doug has over 28 years of experience in the mineral exploration and GIS industries including staff positions and as a consultant.

          Doug has experience exploring for porphyry gold‐copper and epithermal gold mineralisation in Australia, PNG, Indonesia, Fiji, Laos, Chile, Argentina and Mexico.

          Doug is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and a non-executive Director of ASX company Godolphin Resources Ltd.
          • Matthew Wall
            Matthew Wall
            Non-Executive Director
            CTE, MCILT, MAICD

            Matthew is a metals and mining specialist with over 35 years of experience in sales, marketing, shipping/logistics, trading, capital raising and risk management. He has held senior management roles with Rio Tinto, EDF Trading and Wood Mackenzie. Matthew has advised a number of small private and junior listed mining companies in Australia and overseas on capital raisings and market development. Matthew is a non-executive Director of ASX listed company Allegiance Coal Limited (AHQ). He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD).
            • Ian Morgan
              Ian Morgan
              CFO and Company Secretary
              B Bus, M Com Law, CA, ACIS, MAICD

              Over 35 years of experience in the resources space including holding the position of Company Secretary and CFO for other listed public companies.